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Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Fence--Barbed Wire

To all horses with barbed wire fences, REJOICE! There is a way out. Sometimes. Follow these steps carefully to get to the other side of your fence. Please note that your fence layout may not match up perfectly with the one used in the instructions. If you find this to be true, follow steps with caution. The process may not work perfectly.

Step 1. Use caution. Barbed wire can be VERY dangerous.

Old, rusty barbed wire is most dangerous. Do not attempt to escape if your fence looks like this.
Step 2. Find the lowest and highest strands of fencing that are in your pasture.

Step 3. Once you have located these strands, determine if it is easier to a. step over the lowest stands or b. slip in between the highest and lowest strands.

Step 4. If you chose a., step one hoof over the fence at a time. Once the whole leg is safely on the other side of the fence, proceed to step the rest over one at a time. If you chose b., duck your head down and get as low as possible and slowly move your head under the fence. Step all of your legs over the bottom strand. Keep your neck and back as low as possible. Once your back legs have stepped over the bottom strand, tuck your hindquarters down low and glide the rest of the way out!

The spokes on barbed wire can be very dangerous. Try not to cut yourself while slipping through the fence or get your mane stuck. Once on the other side of the fence, do not attempt to get back into your pasture. Wait for your human to catch you and put you back in, the easy way. 

That’s our two bits!

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