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Friday, April 4, 2014

Trailer Tactics- Part 1 (Loading the Trailer)

Loading a trailer presents one of the biggest disagreements among horses. Some say the trailer is very relaxing and comfortable. Others say it is the worst kind of torture your human could put you through. But whether you enjoy the trailer or not, there are fundamentals to loading, riding, and unloading.

Loading is a tricky part of the trailering experience. To get into the trailer, you must either step-up (or jump if you are one of our short-legged friends) or walk up the ramp. Both can be scary if not done properly.

To step-up into a trailer, you need to be straight. Do not try to get in facing sideways because once you are in, you may run into the wall. Also, make sure you pick up your feet. It hurts when they bang against the bumper of the trailer.

Caddy prepares to step up into her trailer.

If there is a ramp on your trailer, remember you to not have to step up; simply walk onto the ramp. If you are frightened of this ramp, the worst thing to do is get half-way up and then back down. When you back down this ramp without thinking, you may find yourself going side-ways and slipping off the side of the ramp. Calm yourself and walk straight up and into the trailer. The ramp may quiver under your weight (let’s face it, we aren’t the lightest species) but do not worry. Most likely it will not break.

In our next post, we will continue with Part 2-Riding in the Trailer.

That’s our two bits!

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